
The course in Mandarin Chinese is an exciting addition to our language options.

It is offered to Years 7-11 as part of the curriculum.

Exposure to the most widely spoken language in the world and to a language which is entirely different to all European languages.

The ability to understand and communicate in Mandarin Chinese is a lifelong skill for education, employment and leisure in this country and throughout the world.

Students learn about the interrelationship between sound and characters and apply their knowledge to decode the language. With the help of modern technology, students understand better the concepts behind Chinese characters, which helps them enjoy the challenge of writing characters. Grammar is taught alongside vocabulary to give students the tools to write and speak creatively. Students are encouraged to compare their own language and culture with those of communities from the Chinese-speaking worlds.

Key Stage 3

Students will gain an insight into the Chinese language, they will learn topic-based vocabulary and grammar used in Chinese daily life, which provides a good progression route towards the study of GCSE Mandarin Chinese.

High Achieving Learners are stretched in number of different ways. This includes extension tasks, attempting GCSE questions, giving more details for their writing essays.  

A range of strategies are employed to support vulnerable learners, such as scaffolding of writing essays, adapting lesson activities to suit the individual learner’s needs.

What will students learn?

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Term 1

  • Greetings and basic introduction of Mandarin&Chinese culture. Including Pinyin, characters, numbers.
  • Friends I have
  • Introducing a friend

Term 2

  • My family

Term 3

  • My pet

Term 1

  • Daily routine
  • My hobbies



Term 2

  • Food & drinks



Term 3

  • My school

School subjects


Term 1

  • School life

-School places

-school uniform

  • Describing someone(physical appearance)

Term 2

  • Describing someone(personality)
  • Healthy lifestyle


Term 3

  • Job titles


How will students be assessed?

Students’ learning is varied with a focus each year on mid- term and end of Unit assessments. 

Mid- term assessments will focus on productive skills and will have both a formative and summative purpose.

At the end of each unit, students will sit a summative assessment. They will receive individual feedback with clear targets based on their age-related level.

In each unit of work, lessons include opportunities for students to advance their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.  All of which are formally assessed at GCSE.

Key Stage 4

Mandarin in Year 10 and 11 is taught in mixed ability groups. Support is provided for all proficiency levels with clear differentiated outcomes and learning objectives, regular stretch and challenge tasks and targeted intervention.  At GCSE, we use the AQA examining board. As students continue making progress, it is an expectation that they will be able to apply new and prior language learning in all four modalities (listening, reading, speaking and writing).

What will students learn?

Year 10

Year 11

Term 1

  • Job and future career

  -ideal job and why

 - opinion about working aboard


Term 2

  • Holiday and tourism


Term 3

  • Home, town, neighbourhood and region
  • Mock Exam revision


Term 1

  • Social and global issues
  • Technology


Term 2

  • Customs and festivals
  • Marriage and partnership
  • Exam Revision


Term 3

  • Exam Revision



How is the course assessed?

The syllabus is exam-based so there is an emphasis on vocabulary, grammar and characters learning. 

Students sit an end of unit assessment for each element of the course for which they are given both formative and summative feedback.  In Year 11, students also have mid- term assessment practice sessions which aim to build confidence and resilience during and under exam conditions.

Students sit an exam per language skill at the end of Year 11 which results in one GCSE grade. Each skill, Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing, will make up 25% of the final overall grade.