
Welcome to our #TUSAlumni community. The purpose of this forum is to keep you connected with each other and the Sixth Form Academy once you’ve left us (you can’t get rid of us that easily!) We value your relationship with the Sixth Form and we are passionate about building a lasting sense of pride and community amongst our alumni.

Being a part of #TUSAlumni and remaining in contact with the Sixth Form has opened many doors for our alumni members which have created a number of job opportunities within the school.5 alumni members are currently employed by The Urswick School and hold varied positions: Head of Learning, Apprenticeship Teachers in English and Maths, PE Technician and Executive Assistant to the Headteacher/HR Co-Ordinator.

(Who knows, if you stay connected one day you too could be working alongside your old Headteacher!)



Alumni Benefits

1. Exposure

- #TUSAlumni are given the opportunity to feature on the school website and the Sixth Form bulletin as part of a spotlight feature to showcase achievements made since graduating Sixth Form.

2. Inspiring the next generation

- #TUSAlumni are offered the chance to mingle with the current Sixth Form cohort at the annual alumni event and share their knowledge, experiences and offer any advice and answer any questions the current cohort may have.
- We also seek out our alumni to deliver impactful talks in hopes of inspiring Year 12 and 13 with positive, relatable figures to look up to and learn from.

3. Networking

- Being a part of #TUSAlumni provides you with a support hub of ex-students to network with and build both social and professional contacts.

4. Reunions

- Reconnect with ex-classmates at our annual Alumni event in December – an evening dedicated to nostalgic catch-ups and celebrating the current Sixth Form Academy cohort.

5. Career opportunities? 

- Being apart of the #TUSAlumni community has the ability to connect you with others in your field or desired field of work.