
Admission Criteria TUS 6th Form Academy: 2024/25 Academic Year

The Sixth Form offers both academic and vocational modes of study. All students must meet the minimum entry requirements for their chosen route and be aware of the rigorous commitment which the school requires of its 6th form students.

The Governors will offer conditional places for both academic and vocational courses based on predictive GCSE results and known facts. All places will be confirmed when applicant’s results are known.  Applicants are advised to read the 6th form prospectus which outlines the grades required to study chosen subjects and courses.


The Urswick Sixth Form Academy has capacity for 150 students across the two year groups. The Published Admission number for EXTERNAL students is 10, but may be increased if there are less than 150 students across the two year groups. Consideration will be given first to students who studied at The Urswick School in year 11, but the academic requirements remain the same for each category.

To apply, an application form must be downloaded from the Sixth Form area of The Urswick School’s website. The form must be properly completed and returned to The Urswick School either by post or email (to Please note that an application will not be considered complete until an accompanying reference form has also been completed and returned. 

Current Urswick Students

Where the number of applicants is greater than the published admission number an over subscription criteria will apply.

Students who studied in year 11 do not have to make a formal application, but must apply for individual courses and meet the minimum requirements for individual courses. The requirements of these courses are published in the 6th Form Prospectus annually. 

Prior to the application of courses process, the Head of 6th form or another member of staff will hold a meeting with interested year 11 students to offer advice about courses.

In March of each year, CONDITIONAL offers will be offered based on predicted results, but places will only be offered once results are known the following August.

External Applicants

Where the number of applicants is greater than the published admission number an over subscription criteria will apply.

In March of each year, CONDITIONAL offers will be offered based on predictive results, but places will only be offered once results are known the following August.

After the admission of children with Education, Health and Care Plans where The Urswick School Sixth Form Academy is named on the Education, Health and Care Plan, places will be allocated to applicants in the following priority order:

A Foundation (Church) places. (5 places)

For a place in this category, the applicant must regularly attend a Church of England church or other Christian churches or chapels (see note1), or other Christian denominations as defined by ‘Churches together in Britain and Ireland’ or members of the Evangelical Alliance or Afro-Caribbean Evangelical Alliance (see note 2). 


To apply for a place in this category, a Supplementary Information form should be completed, so that the governors may consider the application fully, and returned to the school, NOT the local authority.

  1. Looked after children and former looked after children who have been adopted (or made subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after; 
  2. Children subject to a Child Protection Plan;
  3. Children who are the subject of an Education Supervision Order which names The Urswick 6th Form Academy; 
  4. Children whom the Governors and Headteacher accept have an exceptional medical or social need for a place at The Urswick 6th From Academy. Applications will only be considered under this category if they are supported by a written statement from a medical consultant, senior social worker or other appropriate professional. In each case there must be clear connection between the child’s needs and The Urswick 6th From Academy, and an explanation of the difficulties which would be caused if the child were to attend another school or post-16 institution.  Parents are requested to note that very few applicants are awarded this priority. 
  5. Siblings of pupils in years 7 – 12 who will be on roll at the time of admission or previously. A ‘sibling’ refers to a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step-brother or sister or the child of the parent/ carer‘s partner living at the same address. 
  6. Children living nearest to the main entrance of the school measure in a straight line. For the purpose of calculating distances, addresses will be identified using geographical references determined by the information provided by the borough council in which they live. In the event of parental responsibility for a child being equally shared between separated parents living at different addresses, the home address will be considered to be that of the parent/carer who receives the relevant Child Benefit Allowance. In the case of more than one child having the same distance a decision will be made by drawing lots.

Where there are more applicants than places for the ‘cut off’ category, the Governors will draw lots.

B Open or Community places. (5 places)

Places in this category are given to all other world faiths and those of no faith.  

Applications for ‘other world faiths’ (non-Christian) should return a Supplementary Information Form, signed by a Faith Leader, so that governors can consider the application fully, to be considered under sub section 6, to the school.


  1. Looked after children and former looked after children who have been adopted (or made subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after; 
  2. Children subject to a Child Protection Plan;
  3. Children who are the subject of an Education Supervision Order which names The Urswick 6th From Academy; 
  4. Children whom the Governors and Headteacher accept have an exceptional medical or social need for a place at The Urswick 6th From Academy. Applications will only be considered under this category if they are supported by a written statement from a medical consultant, senior social worker or other appropriate professional. In each case there must be clear connection between the child’s needs and The Urswick 6th From Academy, and an explanation of the difficulties which would be caused if the child were to attend another school or post-16 institution.  Parents are requested to note that very few applicants are awarded this priority. 
  5. Siblings of pupils in years 7 – 12 who will be on roll at the time of admission or previously. A ‘sibling’ refers to a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step-brother or sister or the child of the parent/ carer‘s partner living at the same address. 
  6. Children from other world faiths who have completed a signed Supplementary Information Form by their religious leader. 
  7. All other children living nearest to the main entrance of the school measured in a straight line.


Tie Breaker


The tie breaker for any ‘cut off’ category will be distance from the school gate to the home address as identified using geographical references determined by the information provided by the borough council in which they live. In the event of parental responsibility for a child being equally shared between separated parents living at different addresses, the home address will be considered to be that of the parent/carer who receives the relevant Child Benefit Allowance. In the case of more than one child having the same distance a decision will be made by drawing lots.  

If there is an undersubscription in Category A (Foundation Places), additional places will be offered under Category B (Open or Community places)

ACADEMIC ENTRY REQUIREMENTS - Please see the Sixth Form area of the school’s website ( for individual subject entry requirements for appropriate academic year. 


Sixth Form students do not have access to staff car parking facilities. In line with Hackney’s sustainable mode of travel strategy we encourage Sixth Form students to walk or cycle to school. We have excellent facilities for secure bicycle storage at the school. The school is also very close to public transport links. 

Enquiries for The Sixth Form

Any enquiries in respect of Sixth Form admissions should be directed to The Urswick School, Paragon Road, Hackney, E9 6NR (telephone 020 8985 2430).

In-Year Admissions

Applications for In-Year admissions are made in the same way as those made during the normal admissions round. If a place is available and there is no waiting list, then the Governors will communicate their offer of a place to the family. If more applications are received than there are places available, then applications will be ranked by the governing body in accordance with the oversubscription criteria without reference to banding. 

A letter of refusal will be sent by Hackney Education who will give the reason and offer you on your right of appeal. You will also be offered the opportunity of being placed on a waiting list. This waiting list will be maintained by the governing body in the order of the oversubscription criteria (as detailed above) and not in the order in which the applications are received. Names are removed from the list at the end of each academic year. When a place becomes available the governing body will decide who is at the top of the list so that the parent/carer can be informed that the School is making an offer.


  1. EHCP – Education Health Care Plan. Admissions for children with an EHCP are not dealt with under this admissions criteria.
  2. Regular attendance’ at church will mean attendance for at least a year and for at least once per month. This must be ratified using the Supplementary Information Form signed by a vicar, minister, pastor or religious leader. The only exception will be those families who have moved into the area within the previous year and can provide a signature from a vicar, minister, pastor or religious leader to confirm that they attended a church regularly in their previous place of residence.
  3. Regular attendance’ will mean attendance for at least a year and for at least once per month. This must be ratified using the Supplementary Information Form signed by a religious leader. The only exception will be those families who have moved into the area within the previous year and can provide a signature from a religious leader to confirm that they attended a place of worship regularly in their previous place of residence.


If you have not been offered a place at The Urswick School, applicants have the statutory right to appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel. You have 20 school days to lodge an appeal. Appeals are heard within 30 school days for ‘in year’ application and 40 days for secondary transfer applications. 

Transfer to Secondary Guidebook