ICT and Computer Science

Computing at The Urswick School aims to equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Our computing curriculum has links with mathematics, science and design and technology; providing an insights into both natural and artificial systems.

The core of the computing curriculum is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.

The Computing curriculum also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology (ICT) – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Key Stage 3

Building on their prior knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use technology to create programs, systems and a range of content.  Topics are taught in overlapping stands that cover the key concepts below.  Our scheme of work has been taken from the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) and then developed and expanded so that it is suitable for students at The Urswick School.

  • Algorithms  (AL)
  • Computing systems  (CS)
  • Creating media  (CM)
  • Data & information  (DI)
  • Design & development  (DD)
  • Effective use of tools  (ET)
  • Impact of technology  (IT)
  • Networks  (NW)
  • Programming  (PG)
  • Safety & security  (SS)

What will students learn? 

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Term 1

  • E-Safety (SS)
  • Clear messaging in digital media (ET, SS)
  • Introduction to Programming (AL, PG)


Term 2

  • From semaphores to the internet  (NW, CS)
  • Using media: gaining support for a cause (IT, ET)


Term 3

  • Programming essentials (AL, PG)
  • Modelling data: Spreadsheets (ET, CM)


Project lesson (Carousel)

  • Online Safety (CM, ET, IT, SS)




Term 1

  • Media: vector graphics (CM, ET)
  • Computing systems (PG, CS)


Term 2

  • Developing for the web (CM, PG)
  • Representations: from clay to silicon (CS, DI)


Term 3

  • Introduction to Python programming (AL, PG)
  • Mobile app development (ET, PG)
  • Online safety (IT, SS)


Project lesson (Carousel)

  • My Digital World

(CM, ET, IT, SS)



Term 1

  • Python programming

with sequences of data (AL, PG)

  • Media: animations (ET, CM)



Term 2

  • Data science (DD, DI)
  • Representations: going audio-visual (AL, PG)



Term 3

  • AI and Cybersecurity (SS, IT)
  • Physical computing (CS, PG)
  • Spreadsheets (DI, DD)


Project lesson (Carousel)

  • Cyber Crime Animations (DD, CM, ET SS)


How will students be assessed?

Students are assessed in a style that reflects how GCSE Computer Science and BTEC Digital Information Technology are assessed at KS4.  A mixture of formative and summative assessment strategies are adopted to allow students to showcase what they know and what they have learnt while studying each topic.



Key Stage 4

The KS4 GCSE Computer Science curriculum has been designed to ensure all learners are able to achieve the highest standards and outcomes following the specification from OCR (J277). Computer Science is learner focused and has been developed to ensure students learn computational thinking skills, conceptual learning and understanding.

Students will be able to think creatively, logically and critically while understanding the components that make up digital systems and valuable thinking and programming skills that are deeply required in the modern workplace.

Our assessment structure allows learners to build on what they learn while continuously developing industry required skills. Upon completion of the course, students will possess the key elements required to enter jobs in the Computing sector such as problem solving, analytical skills and a wide computing background.

All Computer Science teachers are actively involved in additional training to be at the forefront of developments in the computing field that will benefit learners. Outstanding subject knowledge and strong teaching pedagogy is at the forefront of our curriculum.

OCR GCSE Computer Science

What will students learn? 

Year 10

Year 11

Term 1

2.1 Algorithms

2.2 Programming Fundamentals

2.3 Producing robust programs


Term 2

2.3 Producing robust programs

2.4 Boolean Logic

2.5 Programming Languages


Term 3

  1. System Architecture
  2. Memory and Storage
  3. Memory and Storage



Term 1

1.3 Computer Networks 

1.4 Network Security

Mock Preparation


Term 2

1.5 System Software

1.6 Ethical & Legal


Term 3

Exam Techniques & Revision


BTec Digital Information Technology DIT 2022

The KS4 BTEC Digital IT curriculum has been developed to ensure students are able to achieve high standards and outcomes and be fully prepared for a world that is dominated by digital technology. BTEC Digital IT provides students with the platform to develop and enhance their cutting edge digital skills across a range of software.

Both skills and knowledge are learned in a sequential order. Our assessment structure is designed to ensure students can apply their knowledge while developing industry required skills through the use of research, design, development, testing and project management.

In addition, learners will be taught how to problem solve, design, create, develop, communicate and collaborate. Learners will interact with a range of digital technologies and hardware.

What will students learn?

Year 11

Term 1

Component 3

T1- Modern Technologies

T2 - Impact of Modern Technologies

T3 - Threats to data

T4 - Prevention & Management of Threats

Mock Preparation

Term 2

T5 – Policy

T6 - Responsible Use

T7 -  Legal and Ethical

T8 -  Forms of Notation


Term 3

End of Year Revision & Exam


How is the course assessed?

GCSE Computer Science

OCR Computer Science is made up of two assessments, both weighted at 50% of the total course each. The first assessment focuses on Computer Systems and the second assessment focuses on Computational Thinking, Algorithms and Programming. In addition to the two assessments, learners are required to undertake a formal programming project.

Summative assessment criteria is used to ensure all students are able to achieve and exceed desired outcomes during the course. Practical lessons alongside theory lessons are used for each topic alongside the end of unit tests. An effective assessment process allows learners and staff to identify areas for improvements.

Btec Digital Information Technology

The BTEC Digital IT course consists of three components, one component is externally assessed and two components are internally assessed. 


Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques

  • Internally assessed - 30% weighting of total course

Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data 

  • Internally assessed - 30% weighting of total course

Effective Digital Working Practices

  • Externally assessed - 40% weighting of total course

Students are assessed at the end of each unit alongside high level questioning and regular feedback to inform students of progress.