Year 7 (2024/2025)

I would like to take this opportunity to officially welcome you to The Urswick School. My name is Miss Rodrigues and I will be your Head of Learning in September. My job is to ensure you have a smooth transition into secondary school, creating strong foundations and getting you in to good habits for the rest of your school journey at The Urswick School.

Transitioning to secondary school is an exciting time, but also one that can be quite scary. Please try not to worry! Alongside other key members of staff, I will work with you on a daily basis supporting, encouraging and helping you to settle in.

The upcoming academic year may at times be challenging but I am confident that it will also be rewarding. Your Urswick Parents will play an active role in your school life. They are here to support you in reaching your full potential, by helping you to make positive choices and encouraging you to take on opportunities outside of the classroom. The Year 7 Team and I work closely together across the academic year to ensure that you have a happy and successful transition.

I am sure that you will all have questions about secondary school life. Hopefully the current Year 7s can answer them in our video below.

I look forward to meeting to you on Transition Day and welcoming you in September.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Rodrigues, Head of Year 7

Please find below some important documents for your child’s transition process.


Pages from the urswick school parent handbook 2024 edition

This is our Parent Handbook. This has been sent out in the post, but is also available here.

Please do contact the school if you would like an additional copy sent out.


This is our Transition Guide for students. These will be given to students during primary visits and contains lots of useful information to help prepare your child for starting at The Urswick School. Again, please do contact the school if you would like an additional copy sent out.

Urswick Newsletter Y6 2023print This is our Year 6 Newsletter. This has been sent out in the post but you can also read it here.