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- Drama and Theatre
Drama and Theatre
What is Drama and Theatre studies?
A level Drama involves the study of scripted and unscripted forms of theatre, as well as how performers, designers and directors contribute to a live theatre performance. You will develop an understanding of how a performer uses skills to create a character, as well as how practitioners and theatre styles can influence the work you create. You will study acclaimed texts that are culturally significant and you will create your own work based on a stimulus. You will also have the opportunity to see live theatre.
Why study this course?
The arts are an incredibly important part of our lives and the society we live in. Studying Drama is an opportunity to develop your creativity, confidence and communication skills. London is a world-leading centre for the arts industry, with significant companies and venues that provide opportunities for employment. This course will give you an understanding of career possibilities in theatre and the wider arts industry. You will develop a life long appreciation for culture.
How is the course assessed?
We use the Edexcel specification. The course is structured into 3 components that each have their own assessment focus.
Component 1 is devised work and this is assessed both practically and in a written portfolio, reflecting on how your work was created.
Component 2 is the presentation of scripted drama to an external assessor. You will present two extracts from the same play and this component is assessed practically.
Component 3 is the written exam and you will write as a performer, designer and director for two studied plays, as well as a live theatre evaluation.
Who is the course suitable for?
Students with a strong interest in performing, storytelling reading and using their creativity will find this course relevant to their interests.
Progression options
Specific careers related to Drama include performing, writing, directing, producing, designing and arts management. Creativity and communication are essential in most careers.