
 “Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for Mathematics, the cultural world is one country.” – David Hilbert

Our curriculum sets out a clear, structured learning journey for all students.  Maths lessons include a mixture of independent, paired and group work tasks to encourage strategic problem-solving skills. Teaching is aimed at providing a deep understanding and developing a love of the subject. There is a strong focus on basic numeracy starting in Year 7 and 8 and this is emphasised throughout their school experience of learning Maths.

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 students are taught maths in mixed attainment group family learning groups.  Our schemes of learning follow the principles of the National Curriculum for Key Stage 3, with an emphasis on communication, reasoning, problem solving as well as mathematical fluency. Classwork, tasks, activities and homework are well differentiated to ensure students can access the learning with confidence regardless of their starting point. Students are stretched and challenged throughout their learning journey.

What will students learn?

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Term 1

  • Sequences and Patterns
  • Fractions and Percentages
  • Number Skills
  • Expressions, Functions and Formulae

Term 2

  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Analysing and Displaying Data
  • Number (Decimals)
  • Transformations

Term 3           

  • Probability
  • Straight Line Graphs
  • Lines and Angles



Term 1

  • Number
  • Decimal and Ratio
  • Statistics, Graphs and Charts
  • Real-Life Graphs


Term 2

  • Calculating with Fractions
  • Expressions and Equations
  • Fractions, Decimals and Percentages


Term 3

  • Lines and Angles
  • Area and Volume
  • Measures
  • Straight Line Graphs


Term 1

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Graphs, Tables and Charts


Term 2

  • Fractions and Percentages
  • Equations, inequalities and sequences
  • Angles

Term 3

  • Averages and Range
  • Perimeter Area and volume
  • Transformations



How are students assessed?

Mini assessments at the end of every unit is a vital part of a diagnostic approach to teaching and learning and addressing misconceptions.  Students also have a mid-year assessment and end of year assessment on all topics covered to that point.

Key Stage 4

Study at KS4 aims to equip students with mathematical competence and problem-solving strategies. All students are entered for either Higher or Foundation Mathematics GCSE with Pearson Edexcel (1MA1).  Students must cover 6 broad topic areas: Number, algebra, Ration and Proportion, Geometry, Probability and Statistics.  This builds upon knowledge students have acquired at Key stage 3.

Support is provided by the Maths department through holiday revision classes, after school sessions. A dedicated Maths teaching assistant provides additional support to our learners and some of our most skilled students benefit from additional mentoring by 6th form maths students.

What will students learn?

Year 10

Year 11

Term 1



Interpreting and representing data

Fractions, ratio and percentages

Angles and trigonometry



Term 2


Area and volume

Transformations and constructions

Equations and inequalities




Term 3

Multiplicative reasoning

Similarity and congruence

More trigonometry




Term 1

Revision of Year 10 topics focussed on crossover content


Term 2

Tier appropriate revision based on performance in the November mocks.


Term 3

Final revision


How is the course assessed?

The course is assessed by 3 written exams at the end of year 11.  Each exam is 90 minutes long. Paper 1 must be completed without a calculator.  The other 2 papers allow calculators. Regular assessment is done in class during years 10 and 11 to assess the various components of the course. Students are exposed to exam style questions through these assessments. At the end of Year 10 students sit a GCSE style exam to give them exposure to what they will face in Year 11. There are two sets of mock exams for Year 11, one in December and the second in February.